Nicholas the Wonderworker with 8 scenes from his life and a mullion, with Nicholas the Wonderworker depicted half-length.
An icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker with 20 scenes from his life and the mullion. The mullion depicts a full-length image of Nicholas the Wonderworker.
A half-length figure of St. Nicholas in the center of the icon belongs to one of the most widespread iconographic versions of the saint in the Byzantine art, known since the 11th – 12th centuries. His right hand is blessing, while his left hand, covered with phelony and omophorion, holds a Gospel book. On both sides of the saint’s halo is inscription "Николае Цюдотворець". The center of the icon is surrounded by 18 scenes from the saint’s life and his miracles.
The centerpiece represents the waist-length depiction of the saint holding the open Gospel in his left hand.
Saint Nicholas is depicted wearing bishop’s toggery, his right hand is blessing and his left hand holds a Gospel book. This icon belongs to an iconographic type known as “Zaraisky”, named after the miraculous icon. The icon is surrounded by 24 panels depicting scenes from the saint’s life.
In the center of the icon is the full-length figure of the saint, his hand is raised in a blessing gesture. The border panels represents scenes from his life.
In the center of the icon is the figure of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the upper corners of the icon, in medallions, are semi-figures of Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin
Nicholas the Wonderworker with scenes from his life (St. Nicholas Velikoretsky)
In the center of the icon St. Nicholas is portrayed half-length, wearing a traditional clergy vestment, with omophorion on the shoulders. His right hand is raised in a blessing gesture, with his right he holds a closed gospel book. The saint is portrayed in a frontal pose. On either side of the saint is a cinnabar inscription reading «С(вя)тыи Николае Великорецк[и] » (St. Nicholas Velikoretsky). The center of the icon is surrounded by eight border scenes. 1. St. Nicholas brought to monastic school; 2. St. Nicholas appears to the Emperor Constantine in a dream; 3. St. Nicholas saves a drowning youth Dimitri; 4. St. Nicholas serves in Sion; 5. St. Nicholas saves the sinking ship; 6. St. Nicholas saves three generals from the execution; 7. St. Nicholas saves saves Basil, the son of Agricos, from Saracen capivity; 8. The Dormition of St. Nicholas. -
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nikola Gostunski) with scenes from his life
A silver icon case and the subsequent coats of paints concealed a leaf gold inscription in the center “Оагисо Николае Гостунскии”. The restoration revealed that the saint’s image was the third of the surviving icons belonging to a very rare iconographic type of Nicholas the Wonderworker. All three iconographic variants are derived from a medieval miraculous icon of the late 15th – early 16th centuries that appeared in the village of Gostun on the river Gostun (tributary of Oka) between the cities Belev and Likhvin in the Kaluzhskaya gubernia. An important feature of the Murom variant is that it precisely matches in size the reproduction of the miraculous icon from Gostun, known from the 19th century documentary sources. While the number and composition of the border scenes coincide in all the cases, the Murom icon significantly varies in terms of the border scenes’ sequence and iconography. The icon’s centerpiece is compositionally downsized relative to other border scenes, separated from them with a narrow ornamental frame. In the upper part of the icon, in the circles, are the half-figures of Christ and the Mother of God with golden assist rays. The ascetic and austere image of St. Nicholas is distinguished by the unusually elongated and symmetrical contours, a long and thin nose, a motionless look of big eyes, raised eyebrows and deep wrinkles on forehead. The saint’s head had been framed with a silver gilded crown with precious stones (later lost). -
In the center of the icon, against a dark ochre background, is the figure of St. Nicholas with hands spread apart, in a pose reminiscent of Orant. He is blessing with his right hand and holding a closed Gospel in his left. On either side of the saint, in the segments of heaven, are the figures of Christ and the Mother of God. Around the centerpiece, on a dark-cherry frame, is inscribed the text of Troparion to St. Nicholas, written in ornamental script: «Правило веры и образ кротости воздержания учителя яви тя Г (оспод)ь // стаду своему, яже вещеи истина сего ради стяжалъ смирениемъ высокая // нищетою богатая, отче наш с (вя)тителю Николае, моли Х(рист)а Б9О)га, спастися душам нашим».
In the centerpiece is St.Nicholas the Miracleworker. In his left hand he holds the opened Gospel, his right hand is raised in a gesture of blessing. In the upper corners of the central section in the medallions are waist-length figures of Christ and the Mother of God. There are 32 hagiographical border scenes. On the raised flat borders of the icon panel are the saints: St.Samonas, St.Gurias, St.Abibas and St. Anne.
Saint Nicholas (Nicholas of Zaraisk) with scenes from his life
The centerpiece of the icon shows saint Nicholas the Wonderworker full-length, his hands spread apart. His right hand blesses and his left hand holds the Gospel book on the cloth. To the right and to the left of his halo are represented half-figures of Christ and the Mother of God in the two color pink and red aureoles. The centerpiece is surrounded by 18 scenes from the life and wonders of saint Nicholas. -
Nicholas the Wonderworker is depicted waist-length, attired as a bishop – white polystaurion with black crosses and an omophorion covering his shoulders one hemline of which partly covers his left arm. Hs right arm is raised in a gesture of blessing and his left hand holds a Gospel book with a red edge The centerpiece is surrounded by 16 border scenes from the life and wonders of Saint Nicholas.
The saint is portrayed full-length with uplifted hands. In his right hand he holds a sword and a model of the church in his left. The centerpiece is surrounded by sixteen border scenes.
In the center is the half-length figure of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker blessing with his right hand and holding a gospel in his left. The centerpiece is surrounded by nine border scenes.
In the center is the half-length figure of the saint. He holds an open gospel with his left hand, his right hand is raised in a benedictory gesture. On either side of the saint’s halo are the figures of Jesus Christ with a gospel and the Mother of God with an omophorion sitting on the clouds. The centerpiece is surrounded by fourteen border scenes.
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (of Zaraisk) with scenes from his life
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is depicted frontally, full-length. His right hand is blessing, his left hand is holding a Gospel book. At the sides of his halo in the quadrants are depicted Jesus Christ and the Mother of God with the Gospel book and the omophorion. -
The centerpiece shows the saint in a frontal pose in the traditional attire with his hands overspread. His right hand is raised in a gesture of blessing and his left hand holds the open Gospel book on the large blue-green cloth. To the right and to the left of his halo are the half-figures of blessing Christ with the Gospel bok and the Mother of God with the omophorion. To the right and to the left of the centerpiece and above it are twelve scenes from the life and miracles of saint Nicholas. The sequence of the scenes and iconography of some scenes are unique. Border scenes: 1. The Nativity of saint Nicholas 2. Learning letters 3. St. Nicholas consecrated as a deacon 4. St. Nicholas consecrated as a presbyter 5. Cutting the tree 6. Appearance before Tsar Constantine in his sleep 7. The transfer of St. Nicholas’s relics 8. Appearance before three imprisoned men 9. The death of saint Nicholas 10. The Miracle of the sailors 11. Saving three men from execution 12. Returning the adolescent Basilios to his parents
Nicholas the Wonderworker of Mozhaisk, St., with scenes from his life
Under the keeled roofing on the carved columns is depicted Nicholas the Wonderworker. His hands are spread apart, in his right hand the saint holds a sword, in his left hand is a model of the temple. At the sides of the halo in the aureoles are the figures of Christ holding the Gospel book and the Mother of God with the omophorion. In the lower part of the composition are shown the scenes from the life of Nicholas the Wonderworker: Nativity of St. Nicholas, Baptism, Refusal to drink maternal milk on Wednesday and Friday, Beginning of education, Learning letters, The healing of the crippled woman. -
Nicholas the Wonderworker, St., with 18 scenes from his life
In the centerpiece is represented the frontal depiction of the saint full-length dressed according to the tradition, his hands raised up in prayer. His right hand is blessing and his left hand holds the open Gospel book on the cloth. At the sides of the saint’s halo in the two-color aureoles are depicted blessing Christ with the Gospel book and the Mother of God with the omophorion. The centerpiece is surrounded by 18 border scenes from the life of the saint. -
Nicholas is depicted frontally, waist-length, his right hand is blessing and on his left hand covered with the phelonion and the omophorion is the closed Gospel book. At the sides of his halo in the quadrants are figures of Christ with the Gospel book and the Mother of God with the omophorion, enthroned.
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, with scenes from his life (Velikoretsk variant)
In the deep centerpiece is represented the waist-length depiction of saint Nicholas in the golden attire of bishop with pearls. -
In the centerpiece is the waist-length depiction of blessing saint Nicholas with the closed Gospel book in his left hand; at his sides in the round aureoles are Christ with the Gospel book and the Mother of God with the omophorion in Her hands.
In the centerpiece is a shoulder-length image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker surrounded by border scenes illustrating the saint’s life and his miracles.
In the centerpiece is a waist-length depiction of Nicholas the Wonderworker. On either side of him are the half-figures of Christ with the Gospel in hands and the Mother of God with an omophorion.