Nicholas the Wonderworker with scenes from his life, St.
Iconography: Nicholas of Zaraysk, St., Hagiographic cycle Nicholas
Date: XVII century. Ca. 1677
Origin: From the Church of St. Nicholas of Zaryadsk in Murom
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 99 cm, width 79 cm
In the center of the icon, against a dark ochre background, is the figure of St. Nicholas with hands spread apart, in a pose reminiscent of Orant. He is blessing with his right hand and holding a closed Gospel in his left. On either side of the saint, in the segments of heaven, are the figures of Christ and the Mother of God. Around the centerpiece, on a dark-cherry frame, is inscribed the text of Troparion to St. Nicholas, written in ornamental script: «Правило веры и образ кротости воздержания учителя яви тя Г (оспод)ь // стаду своему, яже вещеи истина сего ради стяжалъ смирениемъ высокая // нищетою богатая, отче наш с (вя)тителю Николае, моли Х(рист)а Б9О)га, спастися душам нашим».