Saints Parasceva and Anastasia are represented full-length.
Our Lady of the Sign with the Selected Saints (St. Barlaam of Khoutyn, St. John the “Almoner”, St. Parasceva, surnamed “Friday” and St. Anastasia).
Our Lady pressing the Divine Child with Her left arm is depicted waist-length. His right hand is raised in a gesture of blessing. On the raised flat borders of the icon panel are the saints: St.Catherine and St.Anastasia.
The Archangel is depicted as the archistratigus of the powers of the heaven riding a horse in armour. On the raised flat borders of the icon panel are St. Anastasia and St.Stephania. Over him, in the upper section is a waist-length picture of Christ-Emmanuel.
The icon depicts prophet Elijah, saints Nicholas the Wonderworker and Basil the Great, martyr George (below), martyrs and healers Florus and Laurus, martyrs Parasceva and Anastasia (above), interceding with the image of Our Lady of the Sign.
Selected Saints: Nicholas the Wonderworker, archdeacon Stephen, priest-martyrs Blasius and Clement.
The icon depicts the full-length figures of the four saints: saint Nicholas, archdeacon Stephen, priest-martyrs Blasius and Clement, interceding with the image of Our Lady of the Sign. In the upper part of the composition to the right and to the left of the Mother of God are shown half-figures of martyresses Parasceva named “Friday” and Anastasia. -
Vladimir icon of the Mother of God with the Selected Saints
Apparently, this icon is a copy of the venerated relic of the Rostov Cathedral. The center of the upper border shows the scene of Transfiguration of Our Lord and at its sides are the waist-length depictions of bowing archangels Michael and Gabriel in the aureoles. On the right and on the left borders are shown the figures of the selected saints according to the hierarchy.There are prophet John the Forerunner and apostle Paul, apostles Peter and John the Theologian, saints Nicholas and Alexis, saint warriors Theodore of Tyre and Theodore Stratelates, martyresses Tatiana and Anastasia.