Nicholas of Mozhaisk
The mullion shows a full-length figure of St. Nicholas. In his hands wide open he holds a sword and a temple. Standing by the opposite sides of his figure in the medallions in the upper part of the mullion are the figures of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God. Above the saint’s figure is a keeled arch. The icon borders contain frontal images of the saints.
In the centrepiece of the icon the figures of the saints are depicted full-length. St.Nicholas of Mozhaysk holds a temple in his left hand and in his right hand-a sword. St.John of “the Goldenmouth” holds the Gospel Book in his left hand and his right arm is raised in a gesture of blessing. On the raised flat borders of the icon panel are four saints.
The saint is portrayed full-length with uplifted hands. In his right hand he holds a sword and a model of the church in his left. The centerpiece is surrounded by sixteen border scenes.
Nicholas the Wonderworker of Mozhaisk, St., with scenes from his life
Under the keeled roofing on the carved columns is depicted Nicholas the Wonderworker. His hands are spread apart, in his right hand the saint holds a sword, in his left hand is a model of the temple. At the sides of the halo in the aureoles are the figures of Christ holding the Gospel book and the Mother of God with the omophorion. In the lower part of the composition are shown the scenes from the life of Nicholas the Wonderworker: Nativity of St. Nicholas, Baptism, Refusal to drink maternal milk on Wednesday and Friday, Beginning of education, Learning letters, The healing of the crippled woman.