The depiction of the Mother of God of the Unburned Bush shows an eight pointed star made from two sharp four pointed stars with concave ends, from which one is red (fiery) reminding one of fire, as embraced in the Moses vision of the bush; the other is of green color indicating the natural color of the bush, which it protected, being embraced by a fiery flame. In the corners of the red quadrangle are the symbols of the four Evangelists. The Unburnt Bush is surrounded by the angels. On the borders are the figures of the saints.
The center of the icon depicts the Mother of God with the Child.
The Mother of God with the Divine Child are depicted against the background of the quadrangle with the concave ends. On all the sides of the quadrangle there are angels surrounding the burning bush.
Frame for the icon Our Lady of Kazan.
The icon of the Mother of God the Unburnt Bush depicting the Holy Virgin with the Child surrounded by the oval mandorla which is inscribed in the eight-pointed star surrounded by separate eight spheres.
In the central part of the icon are four images of the Mother of God: the Unburnt Bush, the Joy of All Who Sorrow, the Theotokos Kazanskaya and Feodorovskaya. On the margins are the figures of guardian angel, Queen Helen and the righteous John.
The Mother of God with the Divine Child are depicted against the background of the oval mandorla which is inscribed in the eight-pointed star with the concave ends. At the corners of the red quadrangle are the symbols of the evangelists, in the blue rays are depicted angels and the archangels. Around the stars in the clouds are the angels and the guardians. At the corners of the icon are shown the visions of prophets Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, James. Above in the quadrant is represented the Lord of Sabaoth.
The center of the icon shows the Mother of God waist-length with the Divine Child in glory. Blessing Christ is sitting on the left hand of the Mother of God as if enthroned. Their colors of their vestment are not usual: the Mother of God is represented in the dark blue “cloudy” omophorion and the Divine Child is dressed in the dark-red chiton resembling the flame of the bush and the ochroid himation with the assist. On the chest of the Holy Virgin against the background of Her clothes can be seen the mount and hexahedral tower inside which is the shoulder-length depiction of Christ in the Episcopal miter. The depiction of Our Lady with the Divine Child is surrounded by the two-color glory formed by the intersection of the two diamonds. At the corners of the red diamond are depicted four apocalyptic beasts. The depictions of the heavenly host are at the corners of the green glory diamond and also in the multicolored segments of the ovals with the wavy edges between the corners of the diamonds. At the four corners of the icon, on the borders are shown the visions of the Old Testament prophets Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and James.