Conception of John the Forerunner
Iconography: Conception of John the Forerunner, Hagiographic Cycles of St. John the Baptist
Date: XV century.
Iconographic school/art center: Novgorod school
Origin: From the church of the Ascencion, the village of Novokotovo (Kotov), Moscow (formerly Krasnokhomsky) district, Kalinin region.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 69 cm, width 49 cm
The icon dedicated to the feast of the Conception of John the Forerunner, depicts the kissing of Zacharia and Elizabeth. The saint prophet Malachi prophesied that the coming of the Messiah would be preceded by the Forunner who would anounce His coming.
Inv. № 0030. © The Andrey Rublyov Museum of Medieval Russian Culture and Art
1. Иконы XIII-XVI веков в собрании музея имени Андрея Рублева, М. 2007. Северный Паломник. №14. С.102
2. И то все видел своими очами… К 900-летию хождения игумена Даниила в Святую Землю. М. Индрик. 2007. Каталог. № 25. С.97