Dormition of the Mother of God
Iconography: Dormition of the Holy Virgin
Date: XIX century. The mid-19th century.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 31,5 cm, width 26,7 cm
In the central part of the icon is a couch with the figure of the Holy Virgin lying thereupon, flanked by the apostles. In the center is the figure of Jesus Christ holding a swaddled child – the symbol of the immaculate soul. He is flaned by angels and Sts. Hierotheus and Dionysius Areopagite. In the upper part of the icon are angels ascending the soul of the Holy Virgin to heaven, depicted as a semi-circle with golden stars, and the apostles flying in the clouds, accompanied by the angels. The Mother of God is depicted seated on a throne in a segment of heaven. In the bottom part is the scene of Athonios having his hands cut off.
Received from the Vuchetich All-Union Industrial Art Combine in 1985.
Inv. № РЖ – 1694. © S.D.Erzi Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Mordovia
Русское искусство XVIII - XX века: живопись, икона, культовая деревянная скульптура, графика, скульптура: каталог. Т.1 / МРМИИ им. С.Д. Эрьзи; [редкол.: Л.Н. Нарбекова и др.; авт. - сост.: Т.В. Елисеева, Е.А. Вишнякова]. Саранск, 2009. № 135. С. 99.