Elijah the Prophet in the desert, with scenes from his life
Iconography: Elijah in the Wilderness, Hagiographic cycle of Elijah the Prophet
Date: XVI century.
Iconographic school/art center: The Novgorod school (?)
Origin: Acquired by the citizen of Saratov Danila Nikitin Spirin in Moscow from iconographers Mihail I. Dikarev and Osip Sem. Chirikov.
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 112 cm, width 192 cm
The Old Testament prophet Elijah zealously stamped out paganism and idolism. The twelve border scenes on the icon margins depict the life of the Prophet Elijah. The scenes are based on the Book of Kings and apocryphal legends.
Border scenes
1. The Angel shows a child swaddled in fire to the sleeping Sabah predicting him the miraculous birth of his son
2. Elijah curses king Ahab.
З. The Prophet Elijah in the house of the widow at Zarephath
4. Elijah raises of the dead the widow’s son.
5. The sacrifice of the prophets of Baal.
6. The sacrifice of the Prophet Elijah.
7. Elijah stabs the prophets of Baal.
8. The appearance of God to the Prophet Elijah.
9. King Hazael anointed into the kingdom of Syria
10. Elijah burns fifty soldiers.
11. Elijah curses king Ahaziah.
12.The fiery ascent of the Prophet Elijah.
Inv. № 1280. © Radishchev State Art Museum, Saratov