Our Lady of Vladimir with the Selected Saints
Iconography: Vladimir icon of the Mother of God, Selected saints
Date: XVII century. 1660
Iconographic school/art center: Kremlin Armory School of icon-painters
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 105 cm, width 70 cm
In the centerpiece is shown Our Lady of Vladimir. 10 oval aureoles with the saints are depicted on the wide dark green borders of the icon. In the centre of the upper border is depicted the prepared Throne with archangels Michael and Gabriel; on the left border are shown saints Silouan and Andrew of Crete; on the right border are saint archdeacon Stephen and reverend Poemen; the lower border represents martyr St. Theodore Tyron, Venerable Mary of Egypt and reverend Febronia of Murom.
Inv. № В-2807 И-1011
© The Vladimir-Suzdal History, Architecture and Art Museum and Reserve
Bibliography: Иконы Владимира и Суздаля. М., 2006. № 85. С.376-378. (Описание М.А. Быковой).