The Holy Trinity
Iconography: Hospitality of Abraham’s (The Old Testament Trinity)
Date: XVII century. Middle of the 17th century (c. 1649 - 1654)
Origin: From the church of the Holy Virgin (Dormition church) in Vladimir.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 144 cm, width 108 cm
In the centre of the composition are shown three angels seated around the table throne set out for a meal. To their right and to their left stand Abraham and Sarah with the vials in their hands (Abraham’s vial has a head of a calf inside and Sarah’s – the loaves). The depiction of the angels’ repast is complemented by a number of scenes illustrating the Old Testament story of the Hospitality of Abraham – from the meeting of Abraham and three angels near the oak of Mamre to the angels’ leaving for Sodom. Three of these scenes are represented above the central scene, to the right: Abraham is shown seated in the chambers under the oak tree waiting for the wanderers; Abraham welcomes the three angels, falls down before their feet and asks them in for the repast: Abraham washes the angels’ feet demonstrating his hospitality. In the upper left corner are represented the servant immolating the calf for the repast and Sarah beating dough for the loaves. Lower is shown Sarah in the (hip roof building) listening to the conversation of Abraham and one of the angels. The final conversation of Abraham and God is represented in the upper right corner of the icon.
Inv. № -2821 И-1012
© The Vladimir-Suzdal History, Architecture and Art Museum and Reserve
Bibliography: Иконы Владимира и Суздаля. М., 2006. № 77. С.344-346. (Описание Л.В. Нерсесяна, А.С. Преображенского).