Our Lady of Tolgsk
Iconography: Tolgsk icon of the Mother of God
Date: XIII century. The end of the 13th c.
Iconographic school/art center: Yaroslavl school
Origin: From the Church of the Elevation of the Cross (Vozdvizhenskaya) of the Tolgsky Monastery in Yaroslavl.
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 140 cm, width 92 cm
The Mother of God is represented seated on a throne. The Child stands on her lap embracing Her by the neck and pressing himself to her cheek. The Mother of God slightly supports Him with both hands. He is dressed in a blue chiton and a brown omophorion falling in broad folds. The Child is wearing a pink-red himation and a blue chiton. The same clothes are worn by the angels flying down to the throne (one is dressed in a blue chiton and a pink-red himation, the other is wearing a pink-red himation and a blue himation). The throne back is high with cutout arches. On the throne is an emerald-green pillow. The throne, pillow and omophorion of the Mother of God are richly decorated with a pearl ornamentation on the silver edging. On the shoulder of the Holy Virgin is a star in the shape of quadrifolium with pearls and precious stones, there is a star on the forehead.
Inv. № 12875. © The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Государственная Третьяковская Галерея. Каталог собрания. Древнерусское искусство X — начала XV века. Том I. № 39.