In the center are the figures of all Murom’s wonderworkers: princes Constantine, Michael and Theodor, Peter, Fevronia and the righteous Juliania Lazarevskaya. They are shown praying to the Mother of God placed in a segment of heaven. The hagiographic cycle has the same composition as does the Peter and Fevronia iconographic cycle, with a panorama of Murom in the centerpiece, though the border scenes are placed in the other, traditional sequence - in horizontal registers the full-width of the icon. The upper left corner depicts Murom’s kremlin, which is not part of the hagiographic cycle, representing itself a replica of the centerpiece of an earlier icon (catalogue No 17).
Border scenes:
1. The princess tells prince Paul about the serpent
2. Prince Paul orders Peter to kill the serpent
3. Peter finds Agric’s sword
4. Peter shows Paul Agric’s sword to Paul and his sister-and-law
5. Peter finds the serpent at his sister-in-law’s house
6. Peter kills the serpent
7. Peter’s illness
8. Peter leaves for the Ryazan land
9. Peter’s messenger visiting Fevronia
10. The messenger tells Peter that Fevronia agreed to heal him
11. Peter agrees to be treated by Fevronia
12. The servant passes Peter’s answer to Fevronia
13. The preparation of bath and remedies for Peter
14. Peter being told about the treatment method
15. Fevronia being tested for wisdom
16. Fevronia gives answer to the prince
17. The healing of Peter
18. Peter sends gifts to Fevronia but refuses to marry her
19. The departure and return of the sick Peter
20. The recovery of Peter
21. The wedding feast in Murom
22. The reign of Peter in Murom
23. The boyars slander Fevronia, her experience
24. The Murom boyars demands the expulsion Fevronia
25. Fevronia demans that her husband be returned to her
26. Peter and Fevronia sail on boats
27. The miracle of the blossoming trees
28. The boyars’ feud in Murom
29. The messengers arrive from Murom to take back Peter and Fevronia
30. The return of Peter and Fevronia to Murom
31. Peter and Fevronia vow to die in the same hour, the making of a coffin
32. Peter and Fevronia takes monastic vows
33. Fevronia being told that Peter would die soon while embroidering air
34. Fevronia being told once again that Peter would die soon
35. The dormition of Peter and Fevronia
36. The laying of the bodies of Peter and Fevronia in separate coffins
37. The transfer of the coffins to separate churches
38. The miraculous re-unification of the saints’ bodies in one grave
39. The second laying of the bodies of Peter and Fevronia in separate coffins
40. The second re-unification of the saints’ bodies in one grave, the healing from the relics
Deposited in the Museum in 1935. Restored in the Grabar Restoration Center in 1993 by T.M.Mosunova

General view