Our Lady of Kazan, with miracles
Iconography: Our Lady of Kazan, Tale of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Border Scenes
Date: XVII century. Mid-17th c.
Origin: From the Church of St. Nicholas of Zaryadsk in Murom.
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 115 cm, width 90 cm
The center of the icon represents a traditional image of Our Lady of Kazan in a frame decorated with herbal ornament. The inscriptions in the centerpiece are made in interwoven ornament with decorations and set in frames of different dimensions. The image is painted against a silver background and set in an ornamental frame.
Border scenes:
1. The young maiden Matrona tells her mother about the miraculous appearance of the icon of the Mother of God
2. The second appearance of the icon of the Mother of God in a dream to the young maiden Matrona
3. The young maiden Matrona tells her mother once again about the miraculous appearance of the icon of the Mother of God
4. Matrona and her mother come to the Voevoda of Kazan and tells him about the Mother of God’s command
5. Matrona and her mother come to the Archbishop of Kazan and tells him about the Mother of God’s command
6. Matrona’s mother gathers people and start digging the ground in the place indicated by the Mother of God
7. Matrona finds the icon of the Mother of God
8. The Archbishop commands to ring the bells. A Cross-Procession makes it way to the place where the icon was found
9. The transfer of the icon to the Church of St. Nicholas of Tula
10. Presbyter Hermogen sings a moleben before the icon in the Church of St. Nicholas of Tula
11. The icon of the Mother of God commits the first miracle in the Church of St. Nicholas of Tula
12. The icon is transferred to the Church of the Annunciation. The healing of the blind Nikita
13. The icon of the Mother of God commits the second miracle in the Church of the Annunciation
14. The Archbishop serves a liturgy in the church. A replica of the miraculous icon is sent to Moscow
15. Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich (Terrible) meets of the replica of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God in Moscow
16. The icon of the Mother of God commits the fourth (?) miracle. The healing of the blind boy. The mother of the healed boys in prayer
17. A miracle of the icon of the Mother of God. Three men praying before the miraculous icon
18. The icon of the Mother of God commits the seventh miracle. The healing of the blind Elena on the way to Kazan
19. The building and consecration of the Church of the Mother of God Hodegetria on the place where the icon was found
20. The miraculous icon being placed in the church.
Deposited in the Museum in 1930.