Venerable Macarius Zheltovodsky (of Yellow Lake)
Iconography: Macarius Zheltovodsky, venerable
Date: XVII century. The second quarter of the 17th century
Origin: From the Church of St. Nicholas of Mozhaisk, Murom.
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 99 cm, width 56 cm
Venerable Macarius is shown full-length, in a frontal position. His appearance fits the description of the iconographic original: “Макарий подобием стар и сед лицеем блед с белию, волосы просты на главе, брада аки Сергия Радонежского…” (Macarius looks old and gray-haired, with a pale and white face, with plain hair on the head, his beard is like Sergius Radonezhsky’s). The saint is shown wearing monastic clothes – a gold-colored robe, a brown mantle, a dark-blue paramond and a cowl. The saint’s right hand is raised, with fingers folded in a blessing gesture, a running scroll in his raised hand. The contours of the clerical clothes broaden downwards, making an impression of the solidity of his figure. This impression is emphasized by the fact that the saint’s figure occupies almost an entire space of the centerpiece.