Our Lady of Cyprus with 32 miracles
Iconography: Mother of God of Cyprus
Date: XVII century. 1670s
Iconographic school/art center: Yaroslavl school The circle of Semen Spiridonov Kholmogorets
Origin: From the Church of St. John Chrysostom in Кorovniki, Yaroslavl.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 156 cm, width 106 cm
The center of the icon represents the enthroned figure of the Holy Virgin with the Child.
1. Isaiah’s prophesy about the Nativity of the Mother of God and the pledge to Simeon the God-receiver.
2. The conception of Joachim and Anna and the Nativity of Mother of God
3. The Entry into the Temple
4. The Annunciation.
5. The Nativity of Jesus Chirst
6. The Presentation of the Holy Spirit
7. Luke the Evangelists paints the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, which is blessed by the Holy Virgin.
8. The Dormition of the Mother of God.
9. The Mother of God is being taken to heaven.
10. The Presentation of the icon of the Mother of God Not Made with Hands to the Apostles Peter and John in Lydda. The Holy Virgin is telling the apostles to build a temple in Lydda.
11. The icon of the Theotokos Hodegetria saves Constantinople from gentiles.
12. The miracle of the icon of the Theotokos Hodegetria accepting an apple from St. Herman.
13. The miracle of the icon of the Theotokos of Lydda who sailed to Rome by sea.
14. The icon of the Theotokos heals the cut hand of St. John of Damascus.
15. The icon of the Theotokos healing King Pheophil.
16. The Theotokos life-giving spring.
17. The Intercession of the Holy Virgin.
18. The Mother of God promises the Blessed Theodosius of Pecher to protect his monastery.
19. The Mother of God calls the icon-painters to Blachern, passes them gold and an icon of the Dormition.
20. Icon-painters from Constantinople comes to hegumen Nikon to paint the cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery.
21. The miracle of the icon of Our Lady of the Sign in the battle between the Suzdalians and Novgorodians.
22. “Of Thee rejoice, delighted...”
23. “O sanctified temple and poetic paradise…”
24. “He made thy body into a throne…”
25. “All of Creation rejoices in thee…”
26. Praise to the Mother of God.
27. Theotokos All of Joy Who Sorrow.
28. “My soul doth magnify the Lord…”
29. “Axion Estin…”
30. “Ever blessed, and most pure…”
31. “More honorable than the cherubim…”
32. “Without corruption thou gavest birth to God the Word. True Theotokos, we magnify thee.”
1. Isaiah’s prophesy about the Nativity of the Mother of God and the pledge to Simeon the God-receiver.
2. The conception of Joachim and Anna and the Nativity of Mother of God
3. The Entry into the Temple
4. The Annunciation.
5. The Nativity of Jesus Chirst
6. The Presentation of the Holy Spirit
7. Luke the Evangelists paints the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, which is blessed by the Holy Virgin.
8. The Dormition of the Mother of God.
9. The Mother of God is being taken to heaven.
10. The Presentation of the icon of the Mother of God Not Made with Hands to the Apostles Peter and John in Lydda. The Holy Virgin is telling the apostles to build a temple in Lydda.
11. The icon of the Theotokos Hodegetria saves Constantinople from gentiles.
12. The miracle of the icon of the Theotokos Hodegetria accepting an apple from St. Herman.
13. The miracle of the icon of the Theotokos of Lydda who sailed to Rome by sea.
14. The icon of the Theotokos heals the cut hand of St. John of Damascus.
15. The icon of the Theotokos healing King Pheophil.
16. The Theotokos life-giving spring.
17. The Intercession of the Holy Virgin.
18. The Mother of God promises the Blessed Theodosius of Pecher to protect his monastery.
19. The Mother of God calls the icon-painters to Blachern, passes them gold and an icon of the Dormition.
20. Icon-painters from Constantinople comes to hegumen Nikon to paint the cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery.
21. The miracle of the icon of Our Lady of the Sign in the battle between the Suzdalians and Novgorodians.
22. “Of Thee rejoice, delighted...”
23. “O sanctified temple and poetic paradise…”
24. “He made thy body into a throne…”
25. “All of Creation rejoices in thee…”
26. Praise to the Mother of God.
27. Theotokos All of Joy Who Sorrow.
28. “My soul doth magnify the Lord…”
29. “Axion Estin…”
30. “Ever blessed, and most pure…”
31. “More honorable than the cherubim…”
32. “Without corruption thou gavest birth to God the Word. True Theotokos, we magnify thee.”
Inv. № 1478. © Yaroslavl Art Museum
София. Премудрость Божия. Каталог выставки русской иконописи XIII - XIX веков из собраний музеев России. М., 2000. Каталог № 50. С. 160-161.