Laudation of the Virgin with 24 border-scenes with the Arfthist
Iconography: Exaltation of the Virgin
Date: XVII century.
Iconographic school/art center: Yaroslavl school
Origin: From the Church of St. John Chrysostom in Кorovniki, Yaroslavl.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 147 cm, width 128 cm
In the center of the icon is the figure of the Holy Virgin enthroned, surrounded by the prophets (Elijah, Zachariah, Moses, Aaron, Isaiah, David, Habbakuk, Jeremiah, Daniel, Gedeon, Solomon, Ezekiel Balaam), with scrolls in hands.
1. Kontaction 1. «To Thee, the Champion Leader…» (The Siege of Constantinople). Ekos 2. «Seeing to know knowledge…» (?) (Annunciation near the well);
2. Ekos 1. «An Archangel was sent…” (Annunciation);
3. Kontakion 2. «Seeing herself to be chaste…» (Annunciation);
4. Kontakion 3. «The power of the Most High…» (Annunciation);
5. Ekos 3. «Having received God into her womb…» (Visitation of the Virgin);
6. Kontakion 4. «Having within a tempest…» (Doubts of Joseph);
7. Ekos 4. «While the angels were chanting…»;
8. Kontakion 5. «Having sighted the divinely-moving star…» (Journey of the Magi);
9. Ekos 5. «The sons of the Chaldees saw…» (Adoration of Magy);
10. Kontakion 6. «Having become God-bearing heralds…» (The Magi Return to Babylon);
11. Ekos 6. «By shining in Egypt…» (Flight into Egypt);
12. Kontakion 7. «When Symeon was about…» (Presentation in the Temple);
13. Ekos 7. «The creator showed us a new creation…» (Christ and the Apostles);
14. Kontakion 8. «Having beheld a strange nativy…» (Holy Monks before Our Lady and the Child descending from the heavens);
15. Ekos 8. « Wholly present was the Inexpressible Word…» (Deesis);
16. Kontakion 9. «All the ahgels were amazwd at the great act...» (Christ Emmanuel enthroned, surrounded by angels with praying women);
17. Ekos 9. «We see most eloquent orators…» (Our Lady enthroned with praying holy bishops);
18. Kontakion 10. «Desiring to save the world…» (Christ taken to Calvary);
19. Kontakion 11. «Every hymn is defeated…» (Christ holding the open Gospel, with holy bishops) ;
20. Kontakion 12. «When the Absolver of mankind desired…» (Descent into Hell);
21. Ekos 12. «While singing to thine Offspring…» (Venerating the Image of Our Lady of the Incarnation);
22. Kontakion 13. « Oh, all-praised Mother…» (Venerating the Icon of Our Lady of Tenderness).
Inv. № 24. © Yaroslavl Art Museum.
Иконы Ярославля XIII — середины XVII века. М., 2009. Т. 2. Кат. № 178.