Our lady of Tolga with 24 border-scenes
Iconography: Tolgsk icon of the Mother of God, Tale of the Tolgsk icon of the Mother of God
Date: XVII century. 1655
Iconographic school/art center: Yaroslavl school
Origin: From the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Tolgski Monastery near Yaroslavl.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 156,5 cm, width 121,8 cm
In the center of the icon is the figure of the Holy Virgin with the Child.
1. Awakening of Trifon, Bishop of Rostov;
2. Trifon sees a miraculously appearing bridge across the Volga River;
3. Trifon returnes to his lodging;
4. Trifon tells about the night vision;
5. A votive church is erected in the place of the icon’s apparition;
6. Consecration of the church and the foundation of the Tolgski Monastery;
7. Chrism appears on the icon of the Virgin;
8. Resurrection of the son of Commander Nikita;
9. Yaroslavl Prince Isaaki Vasilievich and his wife pray for a child;
10. Young Maria is being cured of an eye sickness;
11. Fire at the Tolgski Monastery; the monks leave the place;
12. The finding of the icon after the fire;
13. The icon is returned to the monastery;
14. The curing of Tsar Ivan the Terrible from a leg sickness;
15. Pilgrim Gregory is saved from bandits;
16. Robber Simeon returns the stolen goods to the monastery;
17. Clergyman Mark is being saved from drowning in ice-hole;
18. The rescue of the drowning merchants;
19. The curing of possessed Ioan;
20. Prayer service in honor of the icon of Our Lady of Tolga at the Moscow house of Iuliana;
21. The curing of a possessed man;
22. Religious procession with icon of Our Lady of Tolga and Our Lady of Smolensk during the plague of 1654;
23. Prayer service before the icon of Our Lady of Tolga at the Yaroslavl Assumption Cathedral;
24. Procession with with the icon of Our Lady of Tolga and the curing of young girl Tatiana.
Inv. № 223. © Yaroslavl Art Museum
Иконы Ярославля XIII — середины XVII века. М., 2009. Т. 2. Кат. № 190.