Resurrection – Descent into Hell
Iconography: Resurrection
Date: XVII century. The first half of the 17th c.
Iconographic school/art center: Yaroslavl school
Origin: From the Savior-Proboinski Church, Yaroslavl.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 137 cm, width 102,5 cm
In the upper part of the composition, in the center, we can see the «Resurrection» , as Crist is rising from the tomb. Above, the scene of the «Ascension» is represented, on the top of it, on the upper border, the New Testament Trinity («Synthronus»). On both sides of scenes «Raising from the Tomb» and the «Ascension» in the upper part of the icon, there are: to the left – Crucifixion, Doubting Thomas, Entombent, Christ appears before St. Mary Magdalene and the appearance of an angel to the Holy Women; to the right – the evening meeting in Emmaus, the conversation of the Good Criminal with Elijah and Enoch in Paradise, St. Peter before the empty tomb of the Lord. At the bottom part of the icon there is the composition «Descent into Hell», which includes figures of angels, who are chaining Satan, and of saints, marching to Heaven. The right lower corner of the icon shows Christ appearing before the apostles at the Sea of Tiberias.
Inv. № 528. © Yaroslavl Art Museum
Иконы Ярославля XIII — середины XVII века. М., 2009. Т. 2. Кат. № 184.