Our Lady of Tikhvin

Iconography:  Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God, Scenes from the Mother of God’s Life

Date: XVI century. About 1500

Iconographic school/art center:  Novgorod school

Origin: From the Malo-Kirillov Monastery near Novgorod.

Material: Wood, tempera

Setting's material: Silver , basma

Dimensions:  height 143 cm, width 101 cm

Our Lady of Tikhvin, with scenes from the life of St. Joachim, Anna and the Holy Virgin.

Composition of the panels:

1. Joachim and Annd brings offerings to the Temple of Jerusalem;
2. Joachim’s and Anna’s offerings are rejected by the high priest;
3. Joachim prays in the wilderness, talks with shepherds and hears a good news from the angel;
4. Anna prays in the garden and hears a good news from the angel;
5. Joachim meets Anna (the Conception of Anna);
6. The Nativity of the Mother of God;
7. St. Mary is blessed by the priests;
8. The caressing of St. Mary;
9. The first seven steps of St. Mary;
10. The entry into the temple;
11. Zechariah prays for the grooms’ sticks;
12. The wedding of St. Mary and St. Joseph;
13. The Annunciation by the well;
14. The Annunciation in the house
15. St. Mary is given the water of the ordeal
16. The angel appears to Joseph in a dream;
17. The premortem prayer of the Mother of God on the Mount of Olives;
18. Angel with a palm branch in his hand (the Annunciation of the death of Mary);
19. The Holy Virgin bids farewells to the holy women of Jerusalem and prepares candles;
20. The Dormition of the Mother of God

Inv. № 12630. © Novgorod State United Museum


Иконы Великого Новгорода XI- начала XVI веков. Авторы проекта Л.В. Нерсесян и С.В.Обух. М. Северный паломник. 2008. №62.

  • General view
  • Face of Holy Virgin
  • A face of the Child
  • Border panel 15. St. Mary is given the water of the of the ordeal
  • Border panel 16. The angel appears to Joseph in a dream