Nativity of the Holy Virgin
Iconography: Nativity of the Holy Virgin
Date: XVII century.
Iconographic school/art center: Pskov icon-painting school
Icon-painter: Evtikhiev, Fedor (Zubov Fedor Evtikhiev Ustyuzhenets)
Origin: The icon was received by the Andrei Rublev Musem in 1971 from the collection of M.A.Popov via the E.V.Vuchetich All-Union art production center.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 129 cm, width 99 cm
The icon represents a scene of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin and other scenes of her life. The main scene on the mullion depicts the Nativity of the Holy Virgin. The border panels represent the image of Sabaoth, the meeting of Joachim and Anne, a scene from the life of the Holy Virgin.
Inv. № 151. © The Andrey Rublyov Museum of Medieval Russian Culture and Art
О тебе радуется. Русские иконы Богоматери XVI- начала ХХ веков. М. 1995г. №2, С.34
General view
Mullion. Scene of "The Nativity of the Holy Virgin"
Fragment 1 of the mullion
Fragment 2
Fragment 3
Fragment 4
The image of Sabaoth
Figure of a saint
A scene depicting Anne and James
A scene depicting Anne and John
A scene with an angel
A figure of the Holy Virgin
Scene 1 in the temple
Scene 2 in the temple
Fragment of scene 2 in the temple
A scene depicting Joachim meeting Anne
Scene 3 in the temple
Part 1 of scene 3 in the temple
Part 2 of scene 3 in the temple
Part 3 of scene 3 in the temple
Inscription 1
Inscription 2
Inscription 3
Inscription 4
Inscription 5
Inscription 6