A Synaxis is an assembly of the loyal who gather to venerate a saint or the Mother of God, not restricted by time, place or a specific people. A composition of the Synaxis of the Motehr of God is derived from Byzantine art. The iconography expresses a deep theological idea of praising the Mother of God and thanking Her for the birth of the Savior. This image belongs to the so-called hymnographic icons.

The “Synaxis..” iconography is based on a Chrismas sticheron "Что Ти принесем Христе, яко явился еси на земли, яко человек нас ради: каяждо благодарение Тебе приносит: ангелы – пение, небеса – звезду, волхвы – дары, пастырие – чудо, земля – вертеп (пещеру), пустыня – ясли, мы же – Матерь Деву". In the central part of the composition is the Mother of God in a halo of divine glory, solemnly seated on a throne with the Child as if presenting Him to the world. Above Her is the Bethlehem star. To the right of Her are the Magis carrying the gifts, to the left are the shepherds announcing the birth of Christ. Below are personified groups of the Earth and the Desert pictured as two female figures (on later icons). Below are the saints praising the Theotokos. To the right is a manger with the swaddled child, being warmed by an ox and a donkey. In the 16th – 17th centuries the iconography of the Synaxis of the Mother of God grew more complex (it was complemented by the symbols of sea and winds, parts of the world and other details).

The earliest example of this iconography is an icon of the last quarter of the 14th century from the St. Barbara Church in Pskov, presently held in State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Another famous example is a mid-15th century icon from the Pavel Korin collection (State Tretyakov Gallery).

The Synaxis of the Mother of God is celebrated on the next day after Christmas on January 8th (December 26th in the old style).

Zhanna G. Belik,

Ph.D. in Art history, senior research fellow at the Andrei Rublyov Museum, custodian of the tempera painting collection.

Olga E. Savchenko,

research fellow at the Andrei Rublyov Museum.


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